Thursday, 26 February 2015

Make way

                                           I have been staying in Bangalore(major IT hub in India) for more than 5 years now. Many things have changed so far in the city except one which ought to have changed. Or better shouldn't have existed in the first place. That being not giving way to an ambulance. As most of my fellow Bangloreans are aware the traffic conditions are pretty bad. We sometimes get stuck in traffic for a very long time taking almost 1 hour to cross one signal. And during that time we might have come across an ambulance trying get out of that mess. But we never give way to it. If someone is giving way then the rest instead of following the same try to get out ourselves. These proves how inhuman we have become. In our hurry to reach our destination we are ready to go to any means. Reaching our destinations might be very important but might not be matter of life and death as for the person who is in the ambulance waiting to get treated. But still most of us ignore that fact.
                                            Another sad fact is that sometimes the traffic personnel present at that signal also don't come to help that poor ambulance driver. Traffic police as well as if possible the local police should try to ease  the traffic for the ambulance to pass through. It should be a part of their duties as well. They can try to lead the way for the ambulance by clearing the traffic on the way. This will help a lot. They should also try to create awareness among the general public regarding this.
                                            Think what might be the plight of the ones who are with the patient in the ambulance praying dearly for his/her life. How would we feel if we were in their place and someone close to us is there waiting to get treated? Hope no one has to face that. But it happens daily and not once repeatedly. Everyone of us should be ashamed of ourselves and try to make way for an ambulance next time we see. And not only giving way yourselves but also asking and making others to follow the same. We can sacrifice few moments of our time so that we can save someones life. Lets make sure all of us, not only in Bangalore, let it be in any place, any city or any country we will try to make way for an ambulance with a patient in it.

Friday, 23 January 2015

To love or not to...............

                                Which is more sad to love and loose or not to love ever? ? ?
                                This isn't a very tricky question. But the answer just depends on the fact if you lost your love or found it. For the former love was beautiful but for the later sad. But unless and until you are in love you can't know either.
                                 So what is more important to love or to be with whom you love. We can't choose either it just happens as it has to. Either we try to avoid or to accept, nothing changes. We can't put conditions to fall in love only if we can be with that person. As we have heard so many times before if the love is true and meant for you, nothing can take it from you.
                                  Love doesn't thrive on conditions but emotions and will always be the same whatever time we may be in. So instead of worrying about outcomes we just need to acknowledge our emotions and be true to ourselves. Outcomes may not be the ones which we want but love is not wrong neither can we blame the person. Its just that the time wasn't correct nor were you suppose to be together forever. But this doesn't make your love less true.
                                 It isn't worth worrying so much, feel what you can and enjoy it till it lasts- for days, months, years or lifetimes. Since however long it may last, time is never enough for love. There are many people who keep their feelings hidden for the sake of loosing. The greatest mistake is hiding your feelings from yourself. Acknowledge what you feel so that you won't have the fear. Even if you lost the person the love is never lost. It will be always there. So stop worrying and accept your feelings. Be true to yourself rest will happen as its suppose to.

Love and be loved....................

Monday, 17 November 2014

You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone

         We all have come across this phrase "You Don’t Know What You Have Until It’s Gone" and how far is this true. Do we really don't value things we have or is that we take them for granted? Or is it that we never thought we can loose them. 
          Whatever it may be, the fact doesn't change. The actual value is always realized when we no longer posses it. That may be a relationship or a thing or anything for that matter. In our day to day life we have become so busy that we rarely give a passing look to the things which we had so eagerly bought once or even spend time with our near ones.
         Many times a lot many things have been written and told in regards to the same phrase but how many of us have actually thought about it and acted upon it? If we remain true to ourselves it will be hardly few of us. We are so sure of ourselves and our relationships that after certain point of time we take them for granted. Are we really that blind to our surroundings? The answer is "Yes". 
          It may seem odd as in why i am saying all these even though its been said so many times. It seems more like of an conversation i am having with myself than saying to someone else. Today suddenly i became aware of some parts of my life(things and relationship both) which i had taken granted and they are no longer with me. I repent having lost them now. But does that help? NO. I may wish all my life to go back in time and retain them or get them back. But i am fully aware this is never gonna happen. Lifelong i will have bear the burden of it. Knowingly or unknowingly my actions never helped. 
       But the main question here is have i realized it and amended myself? Suddenly i realize the answer is still NO. On one hand i am sad for all i have lost and on the other hand i am not valuing what i still have. And i guess i will have loose them to realize their worth. Does it always has work like this? Shall i never realize it before its too late? I am still trying to find an answer for this inside me. Hope it doesn't get too late for me to find it. And i hope it isn't the same for rest of you there.     

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Three Sarees

      Sarees, as we all know is a garment which most of us associate with women. But in this particular context its in concern with my mom. These are the last three sarees which my mom purchased but was not able to wear them.
                                 This is about year 2011 in the month of January. My mom came down to Bangalore to stay with me for a few days. During this time we went to one of the famous saree shops of Bangalore "Angadi silks". We saw many sarees of all types and varieties. Finally my mom selected 3 sarees, one in blue, one in green and one in cream colour. Those were very simple sarees  (typically like what my mom wears). She was happy and so was I since i had bought those for her.
                               She got those sarees but had not worn them. In between we had planned to go to Hyderabad where my sister stays along with her husband. My mom was planning take those sarees to show them to my sister and wear during the visit there. But fate didn't support her plans. She was never able to go to Hyderabad or back home. She left us that year on March 6th. I had to pack those sarees and take it back home. 
                               Those three sarees are still there in her cupboard packed as new waiting for someone to wear them. the person who bought them never got to wear them but. Those three sarees were the last thing my mom bought and last thing i gave to my mom. I used to love to buy sarees for my mom and most of the times i used to go with her whenever she wanted to buy sarees. So the last time also I was the one who bought her sarees of her own choice.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

My Lost Friend

                                       In our life time we would have made lots of friends and met lots of people. Some of them tend to become special. We may or may not be in touch with them.We may not remember them even but certain things about them always remains with us . Whenever we remember those moments there will always be a smile on our faces. I also had a friend like this and I would like to tell all about him
                                        This incident is of that time when I was in Class 2 or may be 3 (I don't even remember). I had a friend or you can say as classmate. His name as much as I remember was Tapan (but not sure though). We both used to sit in the same bench. So must of our time we spent at the school we were in each others company. During lunch break we also had lunch together. We used to talk a lot in the class also. No we didn't talk so much that we got punished. We used to enjoy each others' company a lot.
                                      The days passed very smoothly. One day he informed me his dad is getting transferred from our city so he will leaving soon. I asked him for how long will he be gone . He told that his dad told that they will be gone for six years. And he also told that after six years he will come and again get admission in the same school so we will be again be friends. We used make elaborate talks regarding our lives after six years. I remember a particular instance, on that day we were standing on a slope just near our school gate and we both were having ice creams. And as usual we were discussing about his leaving. The scene is still fresh in my mind.
                                      I don't remember when he left , but he was gone. I don't remember his face even. But I know one thing for sure he was a great friend and the time we had spent together was good. In some part of my mind I still hope to meet him one day. I am not sure even if I meet him I will be able to recognise him. He might not even remember me also. I even thought of going back to school and search the records to know his name, address etc. Whatever it may be he was a good friend and will always remain special.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The Busy Us

                       All of us are so much busy in our lives that sometimes we take the people in our lives for granted. They may be our parents,friends,relatives,neighbours or spouse. We keep on running the race of life ignoring the fact we are missing something very precious in return. Have we ever thought of spending sometime with our parents simply talking about day to day affairs or anything we feel like? Or spending an evening with our friends as we used to do when in school or college? There are many such simple pleasures which we are neglecting in our pursuit of success and our dream for attainment of greater goals.
                     We are also forgetting that the persons who are with us now may not be there with us always neither will be the time which is lost. And by the time we realise(if we realise) it might be too late for us to be able to do something. Many of us don't get the opportunity of realising it also.
                      Can I say we all are being selfish? Then some us can object that whatever he or she is doing is for their family only, for there better future. Its not that we don't love our family or friends its just that we have become so busy achieving our goals that we are ignoring those persons for whom we are struggling so much. This is such a fact that all of us know but are ignoring it. We think that we will make them happy when we would have achieved something in life. But the problem is this at every passing time our goals change and we aim higher. So we never get the time.
                      Whatever we are doing may be good but we have to rework on setting our priorities. So that at the end of our lives we shouldn't be left alone pondering on things we could have done for near ones which we didn't and now we couldn't. In today's fast paced life we may try everything we want to fulfill our aims but not at the price of being so far away for the persons who mean a lot to us.
                      It will be better if we realise this fact as early as possible before we lose someone so close that we will be left repenting our entire life.......................

Saturday, 16 July 2011

First Experience

              Experiences are what life is made of. To make it even simpler, our day to day experiences taken together make our lives. The different experiences we have in our lifetime makes our lives complete. Of all the various experiences we go through our entire life first experience of everything is memorable. It may be good or bad these are those special moments of our lives that we cant forget because there never can be a second first experience of anything.
              One can never forget the joy of getting their first bicycle. When one fine morning we wake up to find a brand new cycle waiting for us. The experience of happiness joy, pride of now becoming a owner of a bicycle. To be able to tell all our friends with a glint in our eyes that we have cycle also now. The first ride on the bicycle. Even though we all are grown up to adults now, whenever we think about that experience we always have a smile fixed to our face unknowingly. We still feel happy about that incident happened in our childhood. We feel nostalgic.
             Remember the first crush in college. A moment spend with them. First love letter written, received. First love. First date. First kiss.  The very first time we said I Love you to someone or someone said the same words to us. We still could feel the butterflies in our stomach remembering those moments of our life. We still blush thinking about it. The person may or may not be any longer in our life but that experience will always remain with us. We can still feel the excitement, nervousness, the panic etc we felt during that moment. These experience will always be special to all of us. We may be happy or sad remembering those moments but they will forever be part of our life.
            The day we received our first job letter. We may not have been happy latter in that job or may be satisfied with the job but nothing will beat the happiness we felt at the moment when we first held our offer letter in our hands. Fresh out of college or still in final year college or after lot of struggle it does not matter . The thing which mattered the most at that time was the fact that we have a job now. We proudly told everyone that we will be officially be a part of  the earning community now. We would have called all our relatives friends whomever we know just to give this news. We would have partied late that night. Some of us would have gone to temple to seek blessings and express gratitude . Many of us would have now changed many a jobs but none of the later jobs letters could ever possibly give us the joy satisfaction we experienced by holding the first job letter.       
              The day we got our first pay check our first salary. We were so happy that we started making plans as in how to spend the money, whether  to spend entirely or give it to our parents or do some savings. The happiness of  becoming now capable enough to mange our expenses and that of our families. The excitement of that moment when we held our first pay check is unbeatable. We would have jumped in joy. We still feel happy when we receive our salary but the happiness we experienced when we received our first salary cannot be expressed in words.
              There are so many first experiences we have already gone through in our life we ourselves  have not kept track of . There are many more first experiences yet to come in our lives which we are yet to live. But still First Experience will always be special.